Exploring Natural Hair Care Products and Techniques

  • Tired Of The Bald Spot? How To Ensure A Successful Hair Transplant

    8 March 2019

    If you've grown tired of your lack of hair, it's time to consider hair replacement. Transplantation is the perfect way to regrow a thick, healthy head of hair. Following your hair transplant, you'll need to take care of your scalp, especially during the recovery period. Here are some steps that will help ensure a successful transplant. Cut Back on the Smoking If you smoke, you need to cut back while you're recovering from a hair transplant.

  • Why Fading Is Necessary When You Get Your Hair Cut Short

    9 December 2018

    When a man wants to get his hair cut extremely short — often called a buzz cut or a shaved head — he might be eager to do so himself. While this is possible, and you may even do a satisfactory job, you should visit a barber instead. Unless you instruct otherwise, a barber isn't going to just "buzz" your entire head. Instead, he or she will fade the hair a little so that the hair up top is longer than on the sides.

  • Things That Might Be Missing From Your Medicine Chest

    19 September 2018

    The average medicine chest that you might have at your home probably contains bandages, an old bottle of peroxide, some tweezers, and maybe a few packs of gauze. Maybe you have some things left over from when you last brought supplies for a cut finger (several boxes of bandages, etc.). If you are someone who is looking to get their medicine chest in order and make sure that you don't leave it empty when the time comes to really need it, then you have come to the right place.

  • Three Ways To Give Your Barbershop Clients A Throwback Experience

    19 June 2018

    While there's nothing wrong with dashing into a chain barbershop, getting your hair cut in 10 to 15 minutes, and then dashing out again, there are men for whom getting a haircut is a special activity. Just as many women love visiting the spa/salon for some pampering treatments, the same is true for lots of men. In the past, visiting the barbershop provided more attentive care than some shops offer today.

  • Can Beard Oil Actually Help Your Beard Grow Faster?

    14 April 2018

    If you're just starting to take advantage of the bearded trend, you may wish you could skip past the awkward stubble stage to enjoy a full-grown beard. For many men, this process has been facilitated by the use of a homemade or commercial beard oil that's applied on a daily basis to boost hair growth and strengthen the hair's cuticle. Read on to learn more about how beard oil can help stimulate growth and the potential side effects of this treatment.

  • Facial Focus: What You Need To Know About High-Intensity Focused Ultrasounds

    14 February 2018

    The facelift business is booming, with facelifts making it back into the top five most common cosmetic procedures in 2016 after a brief departure from the list in 2015. But with technology getting better and better, more and more consumers are choosing to opt for non-surgical cosmetic procedures, which raises the question: can you have facelifts without going under the knife? To answer that question comes a new procedure in facelift technology: the high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU).

  • 5 Common Hair Care Mistakes To Avoid

    4 December 2017

    Your hair is one of your best assets, so it's important to take good care of it. However, if you are like many women, you've probably not always been so kind to your hair. Seemingly harmless things, like blow-drying your hair or brushing it while it is wet, can do damage over time. Here are five common hair care mistakes to avoid. Not Using Heat Protectant While it's best to avoid heat tools altogether, it isn't practical.