23 December 2020
In the wake of COVID-19, hair salons and barbershops were some of the first businesses allowed to open. Thankfully, most salons are very good at taking care of their customers and employees. Here are a few things to look for in a coronavirus-safe hair salon. Masks Are Required When you, your hairstylist, and everyone else in the hair salon are masked at all times, you can rest assured that the establishment cares about your safety.
6 November 2020
Winter is coming. If you have new NBR hair extensions, it's time to learn about winter hair care. Winter weather can wreak havoc on your hair extensions, especially if you're not sure how to care for them. Luckily, there are some simple steps you can follow to protect your NBR extensions throughout the winter. Here are four of those steps to help get you started. Drop the Heat Settings If you've never had extensions before, you may think you can use the same heat settings as you do on your natural hair.
12 August 2020
You might know that you want to get involved in a franchise opportunity of some sort, but you might not be sure of what type of franchise you might be interested in. One type of franchise opportunity that you might want to look into is the opportunity of being a part of a salon franchise. These are a few signs that this might be the right type of franchise opportunity for you to pursue.
22 June 2020
If your hair is dry, frizzy, and dull, then a keratin treatment, performed in the salon, can help you achieve the smoother locks you've long desired. All in all, this treatment is pretty simple from the perspective of the client. But there are still a few things to know before you call and make that appointment. 1. There are two primary types of keratin treatments. Any process that involves adding keratin (a specific structural protein found in hair) to the hair is technically called a keratin treatment.
28 February 2020
Hair loss is a major confidence drain for many people. Whether you are experiencing overall thinning or male pattern baldness, looking in the mirror and seeing a lack of body and volume is difficult. If you do not feel comfortable with the changes your body is experiencing, there are numerous options available for recreating a fuller style. For the best results, a combination of techniques may be used as part of a multi therapeutic hair transplant.
13 December 2019
If you'd like to change the color or tone of your hair, but you're leery of toxic chemicals in hair dye, then consider a natural hair dye that is safer to use. There are a few brands on the market to choose from for DIY application, or you can have natural dye applied at some salons. If you buy dye to use yourself, be sure to read the ingredient labels since the product could have chemicals as well as naturally derived ingredients in the formulation.
23 September 2019
Your hair is one of the defining features of your look. A good hairstyle can make or break your overall aesthetic. If you aren't happy with the current state of your hair, you can easily remedy that by visiting a men's haircut services. Here are four steps to a better and more flattering hairstyle: 1. Get a flattering hair cut. Many men get their hair trimmed regularly so it doesn't get too long.
28 June 2019
Hair loss treatment has come a long way, in recent years. Your only real option used to be to have "plugs" of hair transplanted from one area to another, an extensive surgical procedure that caused pain and was not always as successful as you'd hope. Now, the go-to treatment is PRP, or platelet rich plasma treatment. The process involves injecting your own blood plasma, which has been enriched with platelets, into your scalp.
29 April 2019
If you are hoping to get your Dad a meaningful gift for Father's Day, you might be feeling stumped. Sometimes, a Dad can be a tough person to shop for. However, there are some things you could get for your dad that could be useful, creative, and special. Here are some ideas to help you find the perfect gift. 1. A gift card for barber shop services Your dad might often need a hair cut, or services to trim his beard and mustache.
8 March 2019
If you've grown tired of your lack of hair, it's time to consider hair replacement. Transplantation is the perfect way to regrow a thick, healthy head of hair. Following your hair transplant, you'll need to take care of your scalp, especially during the recovery period. Here are some steps that will help ensure a successful transplant. Cut Back on the Smoking If you smoke, you need to cut back while you're recovering from a hair transplant.