Exploring Natural Hair Care Products and Techniques

2 Natural Alternatives To Commercial Hair Dye

by Ellen Lucas

If you are concerned about the chemicals used in commercial produced hair dyes, then you have an alternative. There are natural methods to dye your hair. These were used for years before the use of synthetic coloring agents. In fact, it wasn't until 1907 that the first synthetic hair dye was created. Up until that time people used natural substances such as lemon, henna, and chamomile.

Here are some natural ways to color your hair.


If you want to lighten your hair, then consider chamomile tea. This won't produce a dramatic, bleached blonde color, but it will lighten your hair and won't damage the hair like chemical dyes do.

The first step is to get brew two cups of chamomile tea. You want it to be very strong, so use two tea bags for each cup, for 4 total tea bags. Let the tea cool down.

Take a shower and then pat your hair dry. Then take a washbasin and lean over and pour the cool tea over your hair. The washbasin will catch the tea that spills off your hair so that you can reuse it.

Use a small cup or ladle to gather up the spilt tea and repeat the process until your hair completely absorbs the tea. Massage the tea into your hair. You want to make sure that every strand of hair has been covered in the tea. Gently pat your hair dry and then wait at least an hour before washing it out with water only.


Henna hair dye has been used in India for many years. The dye comes from the Henna tree, a small flowering shrub that is widespread over North Africa and Southeast Asia. It can be used to darken light hair and turn it reddish in color. A word of warning, though. Unlike chamomile dyed hair which will fade after a short time, henna dyed hair will last a long time. If you dislike the color, the only solution would be to bleach your hair and start with a new color.

You can get henna at a beauty salon or even an Indian grocer. If you get it at a beauty salon, it will often be sold in a brick. This brick will include other ingredients such as essential oils, lemon juice, and fragrance. If you purchase henna at an Indian grocer, you will most likely see it sold in powder form.

If you get the brick, you will need to melt it down. You can do this by chopping it up and placing it in a double boiler and heating it. Don't scorch it, just use warm water to melt it into a mud like texture.

If you use the powder, you will combine it with water and lemon juice according to the directions.

Before you apply the henna paste to your hair, spread a light layer of petroleum jelly over your neck and forehead. This will prevent any henna that drips onto your skin from dying it.

Next, use a brush and apply the henna mud to your hair. You should then wrap your hair in cling film to trap in the moisture. Leave the petroleum jelly on until you're done rinsing out the henna.

Leave the henna on for 4 hours. Then rinse it out. If you started with light blonde hair, you might be shocked at how bright the red is. However, this will fade to a darker red after a day or so. To learn more, contact a business like Cut'N Edge.
